Mendorong kesuksesan akademis dengan solusi pengajaran dan pelatihan bahasa gabungan dari goFLUENT untuk industri pendidikan

Penuhi kebutuhan siswa akan pembelajaran yang mendalam dan berbasis teknologi.
Berikan akses ke Akademi Bahasa goFLUENT, di mana siswa dapat menemukan materi pelajaran digital terbaru terkait industri global, tugas interaktif, dan latihan menulis yang didukung oleh AI untuk mendorong minat dan partisipasi siswa, selagi mereka meningkatkan keterampilan membaca, berbicara, mendengarkan, dan menulis – dengan fleksibilitas untuk belajar kapan saja, di mana saja.
Bantu pengajar untuk dengan mudah mengadopsi pengajaran bahasa hybrid
Make it simple for teachers to adopt hybrid teaching while retaining control over their classes. With goFLUENT, customize courses, communicate objectives, and easily establish course completion deadlines. goFLUENT’s Client Admin Center enables teachers to streamline their tasks and reclaim time to concentrate on guiding students.
Berikan persiapan komprehensif untuk ujian TOEIC, Cambridge, dan TOEFL
Ensure your students’ exam readiness and provide them with personalized support through goFLUENT’s Test Preparation Courses. Offer courses containing effective tips, strategies, and diverse practice materials to ace the TOEIC, Cambridge, and TOEFL exams. Provide a wide range of practice sessions tailored to different proficiency levels.
Pastikan pendidikan multibahasa hybrid yang hemat biaya untuk seluruh jaringan kampus Anda.
Leverage the full capabilities of goFLUENT’s Organization-wide License for your institution. Seamlessly implement hybrid multilingual teaching, standardize your language education, and meet the diverse language needs of your students. Guarantee the smooth implementation of your global language program with a dedicated Support Team.
Bentuk program pelatihan bahasa hybrid yang solid untuk sekolah Anda
Integrasikan program bahasa di tempat Anda dengan solusi digital goFLUENT untuk menawarkan pendidikan multibahasa berkualitas tinggi.
Akademi Bahasa
Berikan kursus bahasa yang sesuai dengan persyaratan kurikulum menggunakan kumpulan materi terbaru kami.
Pusat Admin Klien
Dukung para guru dengan dasbor hemat waktu yang memungkinkan pemantauan kemajuan siswa dan pembuatan laporan dengan mudah.
Persiapan Ujian Online
Tingkatkan sesi latihan siswa dan berikan mereka materi tambahan untuk memperkuat keterampilan bahasa mereka dalam menghadapi ujian.
Sentralisasi dan Dukungan
Maksimalkan efisiensi biaya dan pastikan kelancaran implementasi program bahasa dengan Manajer Kesuksesan Pelanggan kami.
“We have been using goFLUENT for 2 years with our students and are very satisfied. We were first attracted by the quality of the resources and the wide range of languages. We are also very satisfied with the topics covered, which are related to the business world and provide a good basis for the students to use the language in professional contexts…Overall, our collaboration with the goFLUENT team has been excellent. They are very good at listening, being responsive and available.”
Barbara Bettazzoni
Head of the Foreign Languages and Cultures Department, EM Strasbourg
“Our integration with goFLUENT allows us to deliver the highest quality language training in an automated manner and reach the maximum number of participants. Thank you very much for making it so easy for us by executing the work very well in the initial integration.”
Carlos de Alejandro García
Coordinador Universidad Corporativa, Grupo Eulen
“At Esaip, to obtain the engineering degree, our students must be operational in at least 2 foreign languages. goFLUENT is an excellent language-learning tool… The proposed topics are relevant and the “blended learning” approach is dynamic, interactive, and personalized, and therefore adapted to our young students who are all digital natives. What a pride for us, teachers, to see our students defend their thesis in 3 languages!”
Hannah Williams
Head of English International Culture, Esaip La Salle École D’Ingenieurs
Jelajahi materi goFLUENT mengenai pelatihan bahasa hybrid untuk industri pendidikan

Overcoming 4 Challenges in Language Education: Innovative Solutions for Teachers and Language Centers

The Future of Modern Education Lies in Digital Learning [Infographic]

Supporting Teachers with Classroom Technology for Language Learning
Kerjasama dengan goFLUENT untuk pelatihan bahasa hybrid
Bekali guru dan siswa Anda untuk masa depan pendidikan bahasa!