
最前線に力を与える: Amazonのキャリア・チョイスが語学学習を通じて才能を開花させ、キャリアを前進させる方法


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    How a global company like Amazon adapted its learning approach to the needs of its frontline employees

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    Why learning structure and monitoring are vital to an employee’s learning progress

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    How accessibility results in employee commitment to learning



Year of Establishment and Industry:
Established in 2012,
Learning and Development


Company / Employee Size Globally:
700,000+ eligible employees


Other Features to Highlight:
Amazon Career Choice is a pre-paid learning benefit program available to hourly employees.


Amazonは世界的なオンライン・リテール・カンパニーであり、米国の大企業で活躍しています。LD の一環として、特に最前線で働く従業員の成功を支援するため、Amazonのキャリア・チョイス・プログラムを開拓しました。キャリア・チョイスは、多様な従業員のニーズに応えるため、提供するプログラムに英語学習(ELL)を含めることを決定しました。これを実現するため、キャリア・チョイスは、最前線で働く人々の課題をサポートするスマートなソリューションを開発できるプロバイダーを探しました。

amazon career choice situation



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    Relevant lessons and materials that are available regardless of schedule or shift through Language Academy, goFLUENT’s breakthrough eLearning Platform

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    Regular monitoring of learner progress via goFLUENT’s analytics and reporting services

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    Conducive learning environments and direct learner guidance from a dedicated Learning Support team

Jeff Testimonial

“We’ve found that a large percentage of Amazon employees are more likely to remain with the company because ESL was offered as an employee benefit. We’ve also seen internally that education, including language classes, improves retention and offers more opportunities for career growth for our frontline workers.”

Jeff Bulanda, PhD
Senior Manager
Amazon Career Choice

Cindy Testimonial

“It’s the positive impact our Amazon associates see within the workforce… people getting promoted, and people feeling confident pursuing their careers and dream jobs as a result of language training.”

Cindy Gomez
Senior HR Business Partner