goFLUENT Spain Country Manager Jorge Moya moderated the space “DIGITAL HUB: TECHNOLOGY AT THE SERVICE OF PEOPLE” with Leroy Merlin, Endesa and Laboratorios Zambón.
In the latest edition of TalentDay18 held last November 8 at the World Trade Center in Barcelona, event organizer Equipos y Talento successfully brought together more than 550 professionals in the people management sector to discuss technology and learning.
goFLUENT Spain Country Manager Jorge Moya led the discussion entitled “Digital Hub: Technology at the Service of People” gathering insights from Roberto Huertas, HR Director of Endesa; Natalia Arizcuren, People, Digital Transformation & Communication Director of Zambon; and Ana Isabel Martín, Responsible for Talent Attraction and Employer Branding of Leroy Merlin.
All of them reported on their experiences about the impact of digitalization, from the transformation of processes in the way they manage people and services, to the onboarding for new employees. Rather than resist the disruption, they embrace the value and benefits of technology to serve their people and leverage it with the support of teams dedicated to managing their digital transformation.
The insightful event ended with a productive networking lunch.
goFLUENT is proud to be a premium sponsor of TalentDay18, which was a resounding success.
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