The deskless workforce comprises the majority of the global working population. Here are the 3 major reasons why you should prioritize their L&D:
Deskless employees make up 80% of the global workforce. But when it comes to training and innovation, they are more often overlooked and forgotten compared to their desked counterparts.
But times are changing. 2019 is said to be the year of deskless workers. The rapid growth of mobile technology makes the use of smartphones, tablets, wearables, and even drones for corporate training possible. With the aid of technology, it is now easier for companies to train their employees and track their progress.
With this swift trend in technology, here are some reasons why you should prioritize the L&D of your deskless workers:
Face of the Company
Believe it or not but employees who are deployed in remote sites and work on the field are your company’s public face and persona. The way they speak, present, and interact with others reflects your company’s core values and principles.
More than your products and services, on-the-field employees are one of your company’s selling points. By investing in their language learning, for example, you enable them to effectively communicate the vision and goals of your company.
In a way, they are also one of your company’s greatest assets. Through training, they feel a sense of belongingness within your company, that they are prioritized and cared for. It also combats high employee turnover rates, especially in the restaurant industry which has a steep turnover rate of 73%.
Upskilling your deskless workers entails employee satisfaction which can reflect how they communicate with their colleagues within and outside your company.
Higher Employee Retention and Productivity
The retail and hospitality industry experience the highest employee turnover rate. Boosting your employee retention rate through investing in L&D can save your company a huge amount of money.
Employees are more likely to stay in your company when they feel engaged. In fact, opportunities for learning and development are one of the top reasons why employees choose to stay in a company. Utilizing technology in L&D can encourage your deskless workers to upskill which then will increase their value in the company.
Also, through workplace training, you can boost your employee engagement which then results in increased profitability. Focusing on your deskless workers’ L&D doesn’t just improve your employees’ skills but also increases their productivity.
Mobile Learning Trend
Mobile learning is the top L&D trend this 2019.
A good thing is that more and more industries are now investing in technology for their deskless workers according to a survey by Emergence Capital. Since these workers are on-the-move, it is recommended that they are delivered with “bite-sized” pieces of information. With this, they can be upskilled without them spending hours sitting in a classroom.
Through microlearning, you can provide agile and efficient training for your deskless employees. Delivering information through short yet informative video clips can save employees’ time.
This can be done by using eLearning platforms that can be accessed through mobile devices anytime and wherever they may go. eLearning platforms packaged as mobile applications can also help your company leverage technology and bridge skills and training gaps in your industry.
On-the-go workers such as those in the transportation industry can maximize language learning through their mobile phones which can provide them with relevant resources that are easily accessible during their times of need.
It is essential for industries to prioritize their deskless workforce’s L&D to increase both productivity and profitability. Utilizing technology in L&D also creates a culture of learning, satisfaction, and belongingness for deskless employees.
How about you? How do you give importance to your industry’s deskless workforce?